Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Construction Update

Work continues to move forward on our home. Outside, the windows are in, they've started putting on the roof shingles and the bricks have been delivered. The brick and stucco work will get under way after the home is wrapped. The front door should be delivered and installed this week, also. Weather will continue to be a big consideration and the forecast is for significant snowfall in the coming week.

Inside, all the plumbing, electrical and heat & air work is close to completion. This week we expect it to be done along with cabling for network, television and phone. Next will come insulation and then sheetrocking. We are really looking forward to having the sheetrock done so the rooms can really start to take shape.

Obviously, we are very anxious to get into the home, but in the meantime, we're enjoying our condo rental in Midway. This is really a beautiful community and being close, we're able to attend church in the ward we will live in once we're in our house. Susie has been called as the Girl's Camp Director and a Primary Sharing Time worker. I am the Asst. Advisor to the Priest's Quorum and substitute gospel doctrine teacher.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Family Update . . .

Aaron, Annika and Emmy are living with Annika's parents while they save money for a home. Aaron is working as a "scientist" at Dugway, while Annika is teaching 5th grade. Little Emmy continues to grow and is such a fun little girl.

Karen and Cameron are living in Lincoln, Nebraska where Cameron is attending law school at the University of Nebraska. Karen has a great job as a property manager for a mall management company. We wish they were closer, but are happy that they are happy. Cameron just learned that he was awarded a clerkship for a local district judge. This will be great work experience.

Darin, Mike and Katie live in West Jordan, Utah, but that could change now that Mike's employer has closed their Utah office. They are currently looking and interviewing, and we're hoping they find something in Utah. Katie continues to grow and grow and Darin is such a wonderful mother.

We had all the kids home for Christmas this year, although Karen and Cameron couldn't make it over until New Years due to a work conflict. It is so wonderful to ahve everyone together. We miss those opportunities, but are grateful when they come.

Moving to Utah

After leaving ONEOK to be president of TXOK Energy Resources Company in Tulsa, OK, Susie and I decided to move to Utah to be closer to our children and grandchildren. We began building on our lot in Heber and work has progressed through the winter. In the meantime, we're living close by in beautiful Midway. We still hope to be in our house by late April or early May.
Its hard to consider us as retired, but that's what we are for the time being. Susie works one day a week at Eddie Bauer and I'm focusing on the construction. Time will tell what's next, but we'll be ready when it comes.